Yes. They have completely forgotten how this country was built, and they dodge every question regarding what we will make a living of tomorrow.
We produce more electricity from hydro dams than we use for less than a couple of cents per kwh. We have an endless amount of rivers and waterfalls, and yet we are investing enormous sums into wind and ocean wind, even though they can never match hydro in price.
Somehow they managed to put our electricity on a EU electricity stock market, which means even though we produce green hydro power for almost nothing, we have to export it and buy it back at EU prices (and often more). Meaning we have gone from paying on average 3 cents per kwh for the past several decades, to paying 30-40 this past year and a bit. Not great in a cold country where every house and every business has been built on the assumption that electricity is cheap. People are literally freezing to death, and nothing is being done.